What Is Going On?

AntiLockDown and others have been castigated for taking the opinion the lockdowns have been a hysteria and a get-up from the get-go. Nearly two years on we would hope that this time has given more people the time to reflect that they should perhaps re-think their position. Afterall, if we were in a pandemic, would the media need to continuously remind us?

What Can Be Expected?

At the moment (September 2021) things are relatively normal in the UK, however, if last year was anything to go by, just look at Australia; the correlation between their winter and our summer is very telling. The tyrannical measures they face in their winter now are likely what we can expect when we get to winter in the UK, across Europe and North America. As far as we can see, it is time to speak up or forever hold your peace! If you close your business and follow the “rules” you will lose your business anyway as there will likely be nothing to come back to even if the lockdown lasts for 4 weeks. Remember how it was only going to be for 14 days?

What Can I Do About it?

A lot more than you probably realise, and yes the thought of making a stand may not be too comforting, but let’s put this into perspective. You are not going to face the death sentence for refusing to comply with silly rules, which we have yet to see any judge actually uphold. You may think, well this sounds great in theory but not in practice, so we are putting together a framework that will help support your business and your community to not only survive in this environment, but actually thrive as best as possible.

Thank-you for visiting our website, we are also hosted on the blockchain to prevent our message from being censored. You can access that via Brave or Opera Browser or the Unstoppable Domains plugin. http://AntiLockdown.crypto

Mission Statement

We have decided there are too many contradictions with the current covid hysteria. The measures have not only been ineffective, but for the most part the cure has been FAR WORSE than the problem. We have decided the best solution to this problem is to find Sound, Straightforward Information and get this to people who need this the most.

Our Plan of Action

After seeing the success of United Non-Compliance in Canada, we want to organise something similar. We have seen they have had great success buy helping co-ordinate businesses who united and refused to close. It is a simple numbers game, the police cannot simply arrest everyone, especially when they are not committing a crime and just simply want to put food on the table for their families.

How Can We Help

We are going to provide a messaging app that will be organised into regional areas, this app works in the XMPP protocol, that requires no phone number, ID or anything. You will then be able to test communicate and network with other businesses in your area which will be great for helping promote your business to like-minded people who want to support you so if and when there are unreasonable restrictions made you will be able to make a stand, knowing there are enough businesses and customers in your area to help support you through these times.

Please do re-visit us in a week or so, for when we will have our networking/messaging App!

We are aware that there is a lot of censorship on the large social media platforms, combined with the mass data-mining and social conditioning where busybodies are conditioned into judging others, of course, they will soon change their tune when their furlough payments stop; or sooner still if they took the time to learn that the money they are paid to stay at home is not “Free Money” and they will be paying it back, with interest in some shape or form of increased taxes, not to forget the taxation by inflation which is being caused by reckless money printing from the central banks.

Our Principles

We stick to the following principles to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding:

  • People should be able to make their own decisions!
  • Private property rights should ALWAYS be respected!
  • To mandate someone to stop earning an honest living to support their family and their community is a severe violation of human and property rights!
  • There is no need for violence, United non compliance / Civil Disobedience is a very effective and peaceful measure to be taken and now could not be a better time to do it!

There have been too many contractions in the governments narrative for this covid hysteria to be taken seriously any longer.

We simply believe is someone is fearful for their personal safety, they should have the right to socially distance or stay at home or take whatever precautions they feel are necessary. However, this burden should not be placed on other people who simply disagree!

There are more than enough solutions for the people who want to stay indoors, to stay indoors if they want to believe the narrative from the corporate press, however, it is not sustainable for everyone to live like recluses.

What Else Can You Do?

Masking and Social Distancing

Wonker Mask

There are so many contradictions to masks and social distancing measures, it is hard to know where to start. As far as I am concerned, it has always been the case that surgeons and doctors would wear them in hospitals when working on a patient, especially if they have an open wound to protect them whilst in the operating theatre. These masks would also been disposed of after a couple of hours because after that period it is actually unsafe for the wearer. To add to this I will outline an interaction I had with an armed police officer in Liverpool Street Station, which should build a better picture.

A few months ago, a policeman asked why I was not wearing a mask, I calmly said ‘I’m exempt’. he then asked what my exemption was, I politely told him that I have no legal obligation to tell him as it is confidential. He was not impressed, but I thought I would try and educate him by saying that the masking rules are a ridiculous scam.

He was more agitate by this point, but I decided to try and get through to his human side and continue, as someone who is ex-army myself, I suspected he was ex-military by his mannerisms and the fact he was armed police as many armed police are. So I asked him, ‘So you’ve done NBC (Nuclear Biological and Chemical Warfare) Training?’ to which he replied yes. I said ‘So have I, I thought you were ex-army.’ So that got his attention, I went on to say, ‘So we should be able to agree that a piece of cloth is not going to stop a virus, after-all not only did we need to use a full face S10 respirator, but we had to be clean shaven in-order for it to work effectively, and wear a full body NBC suit to protect our skin.

He realised I had a very valid point, he then jokingly said ‘Oh so you’re saying I need to shave my beard off?’. I laughed with him and then asked ‘Why not?’. He told me he likes his beard and so does his girlfriend.

So I then said ‘ahhh, so you’re going to endanger my personal safety, out of what? Vanity?’

This interaction had woken him up, especially when I also pointed out that the people he is indirectly oppressing are the ones also indirectly paying his weekly wage. Just this small interaction had drawn someones attention to something very important.

But back to what business owners can do, you don’t need to be overly confrontational. But having a notice with a mask picture saying words to the effect of:

“We have no legal right to demand your reasons for not wearing a mask. If you are not going to wear one, we will politely assume that you have a medical exemption for not doing so. If you are wearing a mask and see someone else not wearing one, please be respectful and refrain from challenging our customers who are not wearing a mask.”

A notice with this message will not only be welcoming but it will gain a LOT of respect from people in your community.

The War on Cash

I have noticed how many people are telling their customers that they do not accept cash. This is very insidious in my opinion, and many feel that it is a drive towards a cashless society.

There are very bad consequences to this. Cash although not perfect, is something that many people prefer to use, not only are people familiar with paying with cash but cash offers people privacy due to it being fungible. The notion that cash is dangerous because it can transmit viruses is not very grounded in reality. A completely cashless society would be very bad for society and would give governments the ability to freeze someones account for the pettiest of reasons. Post something on social media that challenges the narrative? Have you ventured outside your permitted “bubble”? These could all be ways YOUR money could be stopped leaving you powerless to do anything about it!

Cryptocurrency - The Best Cashless Solutions!

If you are being pressured to accept cashless payments, then why not accept a form of money which is not controlled by a government controlled bank, that offers privacy and cannot be printed out of thin air and for those reasons will likely increase in value dramatically.

It would not cost you a anything to accept a few crypto-currencies like Monero or better still Pirate Chain. These are like Bitcoin, in the sense that they cannot be stopped die to their decentralised nature, but have the added benefit of offering COMPLETE PRIVACY at the PROTOCOL LEVEL.

Imagine how many people will go to currencies like this when they realise that anyone can find out how much money they have in their Bitcoin wallet?

There is a lot of new wealth that has been created from early investors in the crypto space, and having your business listed on the public directories will bring you a lot of new business, and if you don’t have long term optimism for crypto currencies there are many ways to convert it into British pounds or US Dollars at the click of a button.

I will not go on about this anymore, but recommend you look up a few videos on YouTube and listen to a few people that can explain the benefits better than me. But one thing is for sure, having a sign that says Monero or Pirate Chain Accepted here is a massive kick in the nuts to the establishment. In many ways it is a perfect rejection of the corruption that the government, central banks and large corporations do to small businesses!

Nathan Rothschild

What on earth do you have to lose?

You are not going to face the death sentence for refusing to close down Your Business, if you close your business and follow the “rules” you will likely lose your business anyway as there will likely be nothing to come back to, even if the next lockdown lasts for 4 weeks. Remember how it was only going to be “just 14 days to flatten the curve”?

There are lots of people on Telegram channels, and on the communities that you find through groups like the UK Freedom Project and Standup X who will help with advice, legal advise and give moral support.

So my advice is to stand your ground and just say NO! Call newspapers (local and national) and people within our communities and different freedom movements will share and likely turn up and support your business.

Out of all the fines that have been issued, when challenged, none that we know of have been upheld, and even if they do can be challenged until they are presented to a judge that is rational and sane. They do exist!

Imagine the Publicity You Can Generate!

You will get loads of publicity and you will get support from other local businesses.

So stand your ground and enjoy making a stand. Get lots of rest, exercise, network with people and other people in your community, neighbouring businesses will follow your lead!


Please share this with your neighboring businesses, your friends, family and get them to do the same!

Live a little, try being rebellious; trust me it’s fun and more than anything it’s the right thing to do!