
I make mobile apps which controles you and your phone! .


I had contributed some videos and app for student education which you can give a try.

Sale in the Market

Yes I maintain an online store to showcase everything.

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App Development

I am trying to make better app which can make our lifes better..

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Web Hosting

I provide the best and free Hosting service for everyone through

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TechBox is a small collection of online courses which help people to learn new things.

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Domain registration

I help people to get their names in the web space through WebNames

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Game Development

I make games which helps people to relax and enjoy there life better.

parental control systems


I help patents to moniter their children hand helps to keep them safe in the digital world with powerful softwares.Try those from the Market.

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Mobile Spy

Ethical Hacking

I help GFs to keep a track on their BFs by developing undetectable spy wares for smartphones. You could order a spying software for your partner from my store. .

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Facebook fun Apps

Apps & games

I have made some cool fun apps and games for facebook which you could try. Explore more app templates which you could make money from my store.

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Producing Products


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