>Day wannabe Otolaryngologist in Equestria. >Sitting on your couch, your attempts to read the funny pages are constantly interrupted by a persistent pink pony. "Pinkie, stop." >"But-" "No." >"Please?" "No." >"Please?" "No." >"Please?" "No." >"Pleeeeeeeeeease?" "Noooooooooo." >"Please, please, please, please, please?" "No, no, no, no, no!" >"Just for a little? I just wanna know how it feels." "How the fuck do you think having my cock shoved up your nose would feel?" >"I don't know! That's why I wanna try!" >Three hours, that's how long Pinkie has been begging you try nostril fucking her. >Ever since your little ménage a trois with her and Eris, she's been bugging you about all the ways you haven't fucked her yet. >Underwater? Pretty fun. >On a train? Kinda plain. >On top of an unconscious Twilight? A personal favorite. >But you just can't picture yourself violating her snout like that. >"But you've violated me in plenty of other ways!" >(Stop reading the narrative Pinkie.) >"Sorry." >A tired sigh escapes your mouth. "Pinkie, if I do this, will you promise to stop pestering me about any other thing I haven't wanted to do to you?" >"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She does all the associated hoof movements and sits violently still as she looks up to you in silent expectation. >Meeting her gaze, you cross your fingers over each other and accept her challenge while a glare forms over your non existent glasses. >The air around you both grows heavy as your auras take shape behind you. >A stampede of ghostly pink horses gallop around Pinkie while faceless terrors rise from out of your own shadow. >Electricity fills the air where words do not and the Earth begins to tremble in fear. >Not once do either of you break away from this deadlock even as the panicked cries of ponies echo up from the world outside. >Those voices however, are as nothing to you both. >There is only victory and defeat. >There is only you and her. >Until Eris walks into the room eating a corndog. >"Hey Anon, you feel that? Something weird is- woah. Staring contest?" >"Hi Eris!" >In the one small instance she looks away, your aura strikes and brings hers down causing her to shut her eyes from the bright explosion of energy. "Hah! You blinked!" >"Wait, but... No fair!" >You get up and begin the victory pelvic thrusting. "In your face!" >"That's the plan! So this means you're still going to do it right?" >"Do what?" "Ugh, Pinkie convinced me to fuck her." >"Did you really need convincing for that?" "You didn't let me finish, she wants me to fuck her... nose." >"Wow. Y'know Anon, you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but I'm pretty sure you can't fuck your friends nose. Especially not with this thing. >She whips your second cock out of her boxers to emphasize a girth that can't be ignored. "Well that's what we're gonna find out. There isn't any kinda foreplay for this is there?" >"Haha, don't ask me man, I just wanna see how this goes." >Reaching under the couch, you pull out a bottle of lube that's kept there for living room fornication and take a seat on the couch. "Uhh... Pinkus? Care for a squirt?" >She takes the lube in between her hooves and stares at it for a second. >You can see the moments her gaze shifts from the bottle to her snout by how her eyes cross to change focus. >After some intense thought, she merely shrugs her withers before throwing her head back, and pouring a generous amount down her right nostril. >"Ready for action!" >She tilts the bottle towards you and applies a small amount onto your lower head before bringing her head down and aligning you with her slick snout hole. >At the very least equines have fairly sizable nostrils and despite being little, the ponies have pretty big heads. "This could work. Alright, here goes nothing." >Grabbing her by the muzzle, you lower her snout closer and closer to your awaiting erection as her breathing becomes heavier and blows against your skin. >Once the very tip has crossed the threshold and you've started to get a feel for her slick walls, pinkie inhales quickly, effectively snorting your length down to the base causing you both to cry out from the sudden change of pace. >"Oh muh gawsh! It's like you're tickling muh bwain!" Pinkies voice is coming out nasally and almost congested, but with good reason. "Oh sweet Christ this is different." >Eris kneels beside you to confirm just how far you've penetrated the pink one. >"So? How is it?" >Grabbing Pinkie by the muzzle, you give her a few probatory thrusts, causing her nose to distend in order accommodate you while words to describe this new sensation try to form in your head. "It's like, a slimy, fuzzy pocket pussy. I'm still trying to get over the fact that this is happening right now." >"Doeth it feel guhd Anon?" "I hate to say it, but yeah. It's a very, VERY weird kinda good though." >Eris stands up and ditches her underwear before grabbing hold of her dick. "Scoot over Anon, I'm taking the left barrel." >Tilting your torsos so that both of your dicks can reach Pinkie's face, Eris lubes herself up before getting snorted in the same manner you did. >The sensation seemed to be too much for as she has to hang on to your shoulder for support. "You okay honey?" >Eris shivers a bit before throwing her head back. >"A whole new world~. A dazzling place I never knew, but now from way up here, it's crystal clear, that now I'm in a whole new world with you~." "So I take it your heart has decided princess?" >She leans in to kiss you on the lips which you happily accept. >"The last time I let my heart decide, it was on you. Right now though, my hard on is doing the thinking and it's telling me we need to show this party pony a good time." >"I couldn' agwee moar!" >Each of you grabbing a side of Pinkie's head, you begin to alternate thrusting your hips and watching each other's pleasured faces as you both violate your friend's face. >Pinkie can only moan dimly as the overwhelming scent of your penis assaults her senses and turns her brain to further mush. "I think she's getting off on this." >"I think I'm about to get off on it too." "Well let me give you a hand with that." >With your free hand, you slide your hand down her furry back and past her scaly tail until you can slide your middle finger up and down her crack. >You tease her moistening vagina with the tip of your finger but ultimately, your goal was just to get it wet. >With a proper coating of juices on your finger, you bring it back up her crack a ways and jam it up her ass as she cries out in ecstasy. >You fiddle around her back door, causing her hips to buck and lock uncontrollably as she tries to stop herself from coming right then and there. >In order to finish together, you up the pace of your thrusts until you're practically skull fucking Pinkie. >"A-Anon, I'm gonna-" >Pulling your finger out of Eris' ass until just the tip is in, you align your ring and pointer finger with it before ploughing back into her with all three. >She screams out as she buries herself in Pinkie's nostril and rides out her orgasm as you make it a double barrel blast by blowing your load as well. >Exhausted, you fall backwards onto the couch, pulling Eris into a hug with you as Pinkie falls to her side on the floor. >Looking down, you see Pinkie went and made a soupy mess of your living room carpet while she lays there limply, fresh cum oozing out of her nose. >But that's a problem for future you. "You okay there Panko?" >A weak, "Mhmm." Is her only reply. "Yeah, she's fine. How about you Er-" >Eris snores softly on your chest while you just smile and avoid her horns to lean your head against hers. >Today wasn't a bad day to try something new.