#Unpopular Opinions

Disclaimer: (I hope you read this, it's important for humanity.)

Before proceeding we have to realize that the hate towards others in every way, shape and form is based on US being manipulated by those with power to maintain the power they have. If we can't work together we can't change this. We were not born like this, we were only taught it as your brain was developing without realizing it or questioning it afterwards. It's nothing to be ashamed of because everyone with a political/religious view has been taught to believe what they believe it wasn't their actual choice, it only seems like it was. but everything we are going to start to address is going to be based on cause and effect.

This is not suppose to be easy to read and if WE do not get our shit together ASAP we are in for a repeat of the cycle for humanity, and I'd love to avoid that outcome. For the last year I've been thinking about ways to prevent the future collapse of humanity, because it will happen if we continue down the path we are going right now and it's not something that one person can change I've learned but it has to be a group effort by everyone.

The rewards if we succeed will be than anyone can ever imagine because we are living in a bubble and we are not thinking outside of the box, the box we live in has been constructed for exactly that and it's now been happening for generations and we believe what is happening now is the only option but if we fail to work together we just continue down the path for destruction.

My goal is to prove to you that there is another option that we are currently unable to see it. My idea seems to fix all of the issues we currently face which are all based on divides. If your white / black / brown / male / female / trans / gay / straight / married / religious / athesist / rich / poor etc you fall into this divide constructed to keep us from working together and are currently a slave to the system without even realizing it.

If you believe there is a god, we are in a simulation, the big bang it doesn't even matter at this point in time for humanity, we have bigger issues we are going to be facing in the near future and the end goal is for us to all be happy and be able to do what we enjoy or explore what we want while not having have worry about the financial aspect for survival: Food, Shelter, Health are our NEEDS and our WANTS are just items like Television, Internet, Cars, Electricity, Accepttance but we have to get to that point first which currently seems very likely.

This whole goal seems like a utopia and impossible, but I'm here to tell you it's currently at our fingertips and we can change it and the only people that wouldn't want to change this are those with power and control over our decisions however if we realize WHY they are doing it than we can start to fight against it without actually having to fight.

This is not something one political party can fix like we currently believe because the political system is in place currently so we don't fix it, and I don't think that creating a revolution by the people and removing the system is the answer, in fact our options are very limited because of this. We can not just go and remove the system because our currently lives depend on the system and we will have to maintain that.

I'm going to be using the United States as key examples because they are the worlds reserve currency, and every other nation has their currency pegged to the US Dollar.


All the information we have been taught was based on different circumstances as what is going to happen with the world in the coming few months or years is going to be nothing like you have read about, we have never have technology, we have never had such a strong divide by nations, races, religions which makes us the only potential solution. Our information has evolved so quickly that we just assume that this is "normal" so we just accept everything and are scared to look at the possible issues we may face. The 2020 US presidential election is a great example and I want to devote a whole section to that election. Our egos have now exploded with confidence because we can't agree with ANYTHING the other side says or does, we are to busy cherry picking what someone does which we find unacceptable.

Let's look at how much technology has evolved in the last 50 years and how it's changed the way we currently live:

2009: Blockchain (Bitcoin) - This has changed the landscape of technology and research in the future for humanity, where everything can now be on a ledger and currently unhackable, This will change in the future with Quantum-Computing but when that happens we need to once again learn to move forwards not backwards. That time will come in the future but it's not here yet. We need to stop hating on Quantum-Computing but learning to adapt to it.

1983 - The Internet - This was considered pointless when it came out and it was misunderstood at the time, but now anyone with access to the internet is using it, if it's for entertainment, research, work, school that chocie is ours, it's expanded and allowed computers to communicate with each other with simple 01010101 numbers. Most people don't understand how the internet transmits data however they still use it every day.

The same thing happened when the automobile came out, everyone found them pointless since they could just travel with their horse to get from Point A to B.

1973 - The Cell phone - It allowed us to speak with others wirelessly through sound waves and now every person in most developed nations holds a cell phone with internet on it and if they use blockchain there is usually a ledger to access their funds in an application they can download, we now have our credit cards for paypass so our debit cards don't even need to be nessessary anymore.

1972 - Pong (The Game) - 50 years ago, we have "Pong" which was just a 2 sticks and a ball for a game and now we have Virtual Reality games and movies in 3D in the last 50 years, this is how much technology has evolved and all of this is because of the computer which happened less than 100 years ago between 1936 to 1938.

When we learn about History we learn about limited technological advancments where the average person thinks that we still only have the same information now as we had 500 years ago because this is what we are taught to believe.

1971 - Nixon Shock (FIAT) - Now this is going to be the most important thing that has happened to humanity, it's the best thing that has ever happened and the worst thing. It depends on our future path at how we proceed,

Negatives - Prior to 1971 the Worlds Reserve Currency was always backed by Gold for a means of exchange, now our FIAT currency is "Trust" in our financial institution which all politicans seem to ignore, and it's not something we can go back to anymore because of the World Debt at 281 TRILLION USD. It would make it impossible to back to a Gold Standard without causing Hyper-Inflation worldwide which would cause civilizations to create revolutions and fail and fall under one world dictator and we would then know we are slaves as we would have NO purchasing power and a revolution would never work, they just print to maintain power.

Why is Gold so important? Why not not Silver? Not that Silver makes a difference but what made us choose Gold?

Positives - If we never unpegged the USD for Gold we would never be able to rack up so much world debt which has allowed us to advance so much with technology in the last 50 years, it's not to say we would never get to this point, it would have just taken a much longer time.

1944 - Bretton Woods Agreement- Most of us don't know this but in 1944 when World War 2 was near the end the United States of America agreed to back their currency by Gold as prior to 1944 we used the British Pound that was backed by Gold as Britian did not have the gold after the War to continue to sustain the demand for "money" and the United States held 65.58% of the worlds Gold after the war so everyone agreed the USA should be the worlds reserve currency.

How did America get to be so powerful?

In short the Industrial Revolution from 1800-1914 as Canifornia and a lot of the states on the west only became part of America in 1848 with the Mexican Cession.

I haven't looked into this that much however, I do know in 1865 after the Civil War in America, slavery got "abolished" and people now started to work for money however some states started to abolish it even prior to 1865.

There was one man who changed the course of our education system and transformed our Earth to what we see it as now, but I'm going to speak about the importance of John D. Rockafeller in the section about Divide later on.

What about other major inventions?

1891 - 1898 - Nikola Tesla - The transmission of electrical energy using a radio frequency resonant transofrmer of the Tesla Coil, Which he believed could give the world FREE wireless electricity for the globe using nagnetic induction, but it was quickly swept under the rug by Rockafeller when he realized it would kill the profits from oil and gas. So we now are told it couldn't work but it was just Rockafeller who had such a huge influence on our education system and this is why don't learn about.

We now just believe it's a "Conspiracy Theory" because this is what society has taught us and we judge people who believe in "Conspiracy Theories" and we believe they have no real meaning because we get taught otherwise.

1879 - Thomas Edision - Incandescent Light Bulbs - He was not the first person to create a Light Bulb however the patented it and now we have electricity in our homes without having to light candles, before 1879 we had the "arc lamp" but it never was patented or did it go mainstream.

Will add more information here to show just how short of a timeframe in the 4.5 BILLION years of earths existance we recieved all of this technology.

Is there a Solution?

I believe there is a solution for humanity, we are currently just thinking of the narrow possibilites we are taught about, and ignore what society wants us to ignore, we currently live on a "Trust" system and we all believe that their is no other option and that this is how we need to proceed because our thoughts continue to be restricted.

It does not matter if you have $1 of $1 Million Dollars in your bank account, if you are currently not able to control others with that "Fiat" you are nothing more than a slave to the system. You argue about how broken this system is yet you don't look at the other possibilities for change because you're brain is so tired of learning for a majority of your life and being told what to do that you can not think for yourself anymore.

You only have the belief that you're opinions are you own and your afraid of being wrong so you defend your arguments which can continue to be disproved so you blame others and the problem on a different Political Party causing even more divide to work together.

The issue with this is all it takes is for us to realize it's not just the Democrats or Republicans that are screwing the system, it's not YOU screwing the system, it's the system screwing you and when we realize this and also realize that this is not something that one person can change we realize the power is actually in our own hands. We just need to learn to use it and the system will do everything to stop us from changing it.

If an independent politican wants to come in and change the system and they start to recieve a lot of support than BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties will start to work together to disprove their reasoning and to create a divide because they are here for Power and Control.

We have been gifted with the Internet, Tor and Decentralized Blockchain like Bitcoin and WE need to learn how to use it ourselves to change the system and start to question EVERYTHING we have been taught for us to succeed, which will be the biggest issue we face, people are unwilling to admit minimal choice thinking and viewing other perspectives that can change their views, so one of the major solutions is to not think a Democrat or Republican can fix our issues but WE can change and fix our issues of society. If we learn to care for each other and remove all the divides that society has been placing apon us we can learn we all want the same thing and we can start to work together to achieve those goals, it's this simple we work together we all want the same thing, FREEDOM and CHOICE to do what we want, but we need the ability to think for ourselves before we can achieve that goal.

Would my routine change?

We know that money is just "Trust" in the government and we know that those in power benefit much more than 99.9% of the others so let's start to put a few more of the pieces together if we were to have Wireless Transmittible Electricity around the Earth which is going to be a section in itself regarding the Pyramids. It's something that we were unable to currently prove is possible, as we haven't tried to have free wireless electricity it would kill the Oil and Gas companies if it was possible, so they don't want it done.

We are so tired of learning because of bullshit classes in school and how so many of the courses that were mandatory did not interest us at all, so we believed because of the way a lot of the information was taught to us. We now believe that the choices we have are limited and we are forced to pick a Political Side of what we believe in "Right". (This is another topic I will be discussing later on.) because we get taught to believe those in power and if someone is to think outside of the box its a conspiracy.

We have gotten into a routine that most people will follow very similiarily at this point I'm going to give one example for the average persons routine and yours might be slightly different.


7:00AM - Wake up, brush teeth, shower, eat Breakfast and leave for work.

8:00AM - 4:00PM - We go and work for "fiat" so we can pay our bills and put food on the table, and shelter over our heads.

4:00PM - 5:00PM - We drive home in rush hour traffic which our vehicles and eat supper with the money we have earned at work that day.

6:00PM - 11:00PM - We either are tired, watch Television, surf the internet or go out and meet up with some collegues to forget about our job and have some enjoyment.

11:00PM - 7:00AM - Sleep and repeat the cycle the next day.

If we have children we come home and we spend time with them, and they are exhausted as well, they woke up when we woke up and spent the day at school and maybe an after-school acitivity while waiting for their parents to pick them up.

As those children get older they start to work and earn money while still being in school and buy "wants" for themselves, if they are privilaged or working to help support their family, if they aren't working they are spending their nights doing homework for the next day or studying for an exam.

Weekends - We get the things done like groceries, clean our flat/home and maybe have a bottle of wine or drink alcohol because the work week was so difficult that we want to forget about.

If we are Religious we also go attend Church on the weekends to pray and ask our God to forgive us for our sins, while we give them some of our hard-earned money to the churches so they can "help" others.

This continues till we retire and our whole lives get spent being told what to do and not what we want to do when we are born because:

As Children

We do not get the choice of which Religion we want to believe from birth, or if we want to believe in one, we also don't get tho choose our own names it's forced on us because of traditions and the parents decide waht they think is best for their child. If a family is religious you will be forced to believe in a Religion and only when your an adult you're allowed to change your mind if you want to believe or not, but while our brain is developing the choice is not ours. We then try to justify answers to questions we can't answer and ignore the ignore the real questions because of feelings don't allow them to be truth.

Using Christianity as an example the Bible is based on "Matthew" "Mark" "Luke" and "John" we don't question our source of the information we are fed as non of those individuals were actually around at the crucifiction of Jesus Christ it was written around 30 years after his death. It's based on "hearsay" as just one argument, It get's ignored and we believe our purpose on earth is to serve God however he see's fit. We follow and do what he tells us to do, expect when we feel it's in our best interests to ignore it.

We do not get the choice of what school we want to go to, it's based on what our parents believe is best for us, our religion and the community we live in.

We do not get the choice of what classes we spend time learning because it's based on the Education System, even if we are homeschooled we still have to follow the same ciriculum.

We only get limited choices for what we eat for supper every day, depending on time, financial stability we are forced to eat what our parents give us.

When we start to grow-up around the age of 16-20 we start to make our own limited choice from the options we are given by society.
Do we continue to believe in god?

Do we start to believe in god?

Do we want to go to university for post-secondary?

We expect the only way for us to be happy is to work for someone and earn money so we either go for a post-secondary education or we go straight to the work force, depending on financial stability if we want to take on debt unless we live in a country where post-secondary Education is free, or we think beyond the box and start our own company but we know the odds of failure are high there so most people tend to avoid that path.

When we finally decide if we want to learn more or just go on to work we feel so intelligent because we know how to read and write now we either recieve a Degree/Diploma/PhD or whatever post-secondary education we strived for if we graduate, and now we just want to work and start our own family but we are already part of the system at this point without realizing it.

We work till we can retire and if we are lucky enough we get to go on a vacation sometimes or have additional time off work which we are grateful for usually, but we are never really happy because we know every single day we will be going to work and if we aren't doing it for the money and we actually enjoy it, that isn't work that is a choice, but we can't just be happy some days it's always or never for this choice to work.

Most people can not just change their professions if they are unhappy with the situation because they have put so much effort into getting into the financial situation they currently are and they can't change it. If it's debt not allowing change or a high-paying job which we do not enjoy, we get forced to remain at it, we are scared of uncertainty and usually just do what our boss tells us and are to scared to go down a different path.

We finally retire and 65(roughly) years old and we have "Freedom" but we still depend on government support and then we die and is the summary of most human lives.

This is the life we are currently living, and if someone tells you that your currently a slave to society and money this is what they mean, but it seems like the only choice for us.

But what other choices would we have?

If we believe that the Pyramids could do a lot more than we are taught and are more than just "tombs" which have never had mummies found inside and we see how quickly Artifical Intelligence is moving forward, we could start to live in a world that currently seems like a "Utopia" and we can't currently grasp the concept of the possibility. We forget to remind ourselves how fast we have progressed to where we are right now and believe this is all of the information we will know, there is no more information for us to discover.

Maybe there is more information with technology now we just haven't fully explored it yet? Maybe there isn't?

We know we need Food, Water, Shelter and Health to survive so let's break down on one of these and see if it could be achieved without actually working every single day.

Food - We need farmers to produce our crops such as wheat, meat, produce but it's currently based on what we decide to produce (Limited Choice, we believe WE have to produce it), but what if Artifical Intelligence was able to do the whole food chain without any need for human intervention?

Farming - We have AI that could plant the crops and harvest the crops and it would be able to do it at a much higher rate of efficency than a human could with the Data is has analyzed especially if that information is on the Blockchain. The only cost of the farming would be that of electricity to power the AI which wireless electricity could solve and be free if the Pyramids actually do have another purpose.

Transportation of the Crops - We already have self driving vehicles and we would not need the labour of drivers which is currently 9.1% of workers in the United States or 13.3 MILLION people. This can also be expanded when we are able to find new routes that do not require the Suez Canel as we saw the issues with the supply chain it can have when that shipping lane gets blocked.

We can start to create Electronic Blimps for transportation which go from a farmers to it's final warehouse distribution all based on Electricity. removing the time it takes in the current supply chain and costs.

Production - We know the crops at a warehouse still need to be produced into good still and we can once again have AI Artifical Intelligence create the production for FREE because we we could have free Electricity.

Distribution - Again we have self-driving vehicles, drones which could all be powered by free electrically and the products could now not only arrive quicker and fresher it would consist of ZERO costs for the production and distribution cutting the costs by a large margin.

The only margin we would still have is tariffs, taxes etc, but those can be discussed later on and that I believe can be solved and "Free" as well.

The current costs are Research and Development + Resources would cost "FIAT" and labour cost to plant, harvest and transport would be free and AI could do a better job and a more efficent way than we currently see by using algorithms.

Water - It's the same as food, it can produce and distribut water, however it's still an unsolved mystery, one way I see a possibility of this, is the Greenland Ice Sheets where when water melts it can continue to go underground and freeze to maintain water levels. (But this is a conspiracy based on no evidence)

This is a question that would still need to be answered, and currently we know that states like California are starting to have water droughts and the lack of water that is being used to produce electricity in the hoover dam but solutions are currently being worked on and R&D is being put into this, I believe it's only time for this to be solved with technology.

Shelter - Again we already have 3D Printers which could be used for production but we still need access to the resources, and currently as homes in N. America are built with wood, a solution would be a greenier enviornment with more trees.

Health - We now have Blockchain technology and could start to work together rather with other companies rather then competivily against each other for profits and use the Blockchain to store information. We wouldn't even need to work just have AI that can work on more efficent solutions.

Resources - This is the big unknown variable in our equation hypothesis, How do we get access to resources for little to no costs? I believe the answer will come up when we stop competiting amongst each other for profits and work together and we can start to solve those issues and 1 World Nation (This is a conspiracy based on no actual facts), when everyone starts to realize we are all 99.9% identical in DNA and we work together we can share, it would remove the need for competition, however this is still something we need to figure out, My Utopia has nations working together and removing country "pride." but this needs a solution in itself where everyone would have to be "want" to help others which means they would NEED something in return. That solution could be other resources.

But countries want power and control so we have war... right?

Yes we currently have a lot of conflict between nations and a lot of those are based on divides we have all constructed by society, if we are all happy and have all of our needs meet to satisfy our way of life, we have no reason to fight for control yet we still currently do, why is that? Are everyones needs equally?

This includes every other nation that has currently either benefited or has been hurt by "Fiat" for expansion and has allowed us to take advantage of them and cheap labour, we believe that this is required that some nations "slave" their citizens to create cheap goods and this is the best solution we have.

If the average person has access to all of their basic needs they require and are given the opportunity to have freedom and be happy they will be much less inclined to join the army for health care or a salary and then the need for an army would get removed, we go to the war because it's either A) Benefits us financially in a majority of the cases. B) We see an opportunity for more power and take it.

There will always be people that will want to control the world so this is something we also need to look to solve. if people are happy they will not want to control others and just want to enjoy their lives. If we look at North Sentinel Island. They have survived for a very long time and haven't killed themselves and avoid contact with other Human Civilizations I also believe it's part of the other civilizations on earth (Just a cover-up.)

It's worked for them, but we do not have the same choices as them as our lives currently depend on technology which forces us to maintain a Political System where the peoples voice has to be heard and taken into consideration. If we remove states or countries and everyone has the same voice as the next person we reduce the possibility of this happening.

This is why a revolution to fight against the system will never work, It's only a temperary fix even if we win, someone will come around in the future and divide us again and we will repeat the cycle and this will continue until we can't think for ourselves and distinguish the difference between happiness and control and why it is so essential we remove all nations by country names to achieve this.

When people are able to see both sides of the arguments and are able to make their own decisions we can find other solutions for problems that can occur in the future, we currently aren't at that point though, hopefully in the future.

Will AI take over the world?

Well this is another major threat we currently face, we need some sort of government to regulate AI so we can control it's decision-making process but everyone not just a select few should have the say in what we believe is right and wrong for it to do based on our own decisions, not others decisions for us.

A huge decision humanity will face in the future is if we should run a simulation (When we have the technology that is growing exponentially right now) if we want to know how the Human Brain actually works, if we still require answers to answer that question.

I do not want to mention any names in this article but there is one person that created the "Simulation Argument Hypothesis" they state that atleast one of the following propositions is true:

1. The human species is very likely to go extinct before researching a "posthuman" stage.

2. Any posthuman civilizations is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof)

3. We are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. It follows that the belief that there is a significant change that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation.

If we achieve this utopia I'm speaking off with free NEEDS we will have a choice to make and that should be based on the general population not on a select few individuals.

I. If we run a simulation of our own, OR if we have all of the required technology to run a simulation but we decide not to run one. (if we aren't in a simulation)

II. We achieve posthuman civilization evolution and we want to answer the question of why we think the way we currently do and we run a simulation.

Whatever the outcome is, if we are currently in a simulation or base reality we need to realize this is a question that we HOPE we will be able to ask ourselves in the future, If we can not achieve this point it means our civilization failed and everyone died.The current path we are heading down can still be seen both ways but if we achieve the possibility for a simulation only a select few would decide.

A couple of the major threats humanity currently faces that we need to overcome to achieve the end goal of that choice.

1. Global Warming - Everything we currently use is part of the Oil and Gas system, and it's creating more and more Global Warming yearly.
2. Ecosystem - Overconsuming more than we produce from the Ecosystem, animals are going extinct and we if continue down this path, there is currently 30 ecosystems that are in danger of extinction.

3. Artificial Intelligence - They could see us as a threat if we try to shut off AI in the future if we don't start to regulate it now.

4. Dictators - Times have changed if we fall under 1 dictator that can control everyone on the planet, it's not something that we can just change we need to avoid it at all costs, and hope we maintain this "Fake Democracy" we currently hold because when that is gone our voice is gone completely.

5. Neuclear - While we hold neucleur technology, we could kill off the population in a heart beat if someone finanly wants to strike back at another nation, 6.

We also have things that are currently out of our control.

4. Meteor - Even though the odds of this are extremely low, there is a possibility it is how the dinosaurs went extint.

7. "Aliens" - This could be in our control or maybe not, but UAP's are real and unexplained the government has come out now and said it. (As much as I believe they are lying to us to the extent of their knowledge, I believe they know a lot more than we think (Opinion based on facts in the later sections)

We tend to forget about all of the other possibilities because they get ignored as the game is about power not survival of all humanity currently.

Questions we should ask ourselves.

Lucky for us have have got to this point in human civilization that we now have the Internet and unlimited information online if we want to educate ourselves so let's talk about some locations that seem out of place and the way everything is done so preciously that we couldn't achieve the same results with our technology right now.

1) Why has Google Maps allowed their maps to be edited? (When we zoom in, a lot of locations get very much into detail, also their is very little strips edited into the Google Maps that seem "Normal" at first glace, until we start to dig deeper.)

2) What is the Bermuda Triangle? Where is the peak of the triangle? (The answer is 32.28520673, -64.872385722 Which i'm pretty confident about at this point is at "Fort Scaur". )

3) - Why is the Yonaguni Monument underwater? (It's the same reason Why Bermuda is underwater, so we don't have access to that energy currently.)

4) Are the Bermuda Triangle and Yonaguni Monements related? (Yes with high certainty at this point, they are nearly the same distance apart from Giza and this is just the start)

5) Do we have another civilization living on our planet? (Yes I believe we do, and I can prove where they live which islands they occupy and how the move around Earth (At least my theory which I believe for sure is on the right path to the answer, if it's not the answer. seems like we are 1 in a billion odds of being in base reality at this point.)

6) Does the Royal Air Force Station know? (Yes, I believe so and they occupy this Island (-7.930815487495, -14.402530476) Here

It's also where the Nasa Tracking Station is located (-7.95478633206, -14.32764332321) Here

I also believe they exit with the UFOS from ( -7.931905413117, -14.382060971376 ) Here

This is just one of the many locations, I believe they use hyperloop tunnels to quickly get from one side of the planet to the other side underground and we can see this from the lines on the Ocean surface, they aren't blurred out for a reason.

If you look closely to the roads here, they seem different in many parts like here (-7.958839239061585, -14.39606895788366)

I believe that we live in a simulation, and I hope I'm right on this because it wouldn't change anything for us negativily because we are all "real" you can see/feel/touch other things so the definition of real "Actual Existing as a thing or occuring in fact; not imagined or supposed"

I believe they have their own government and security, they are located all over the Earth from the Amazon, Greenland, Antartica (But i dont have proof of this yet), Small Islands such as Seychelles, Paracel Islands, Spratly Islands as the main ones, it seems like they reuse water to generate electricity and power (Like we use Dams) and a lot of places for UAPS to enter and leave.

I believe they run or atleast fund the USO Anderson Air Force Base located in Guam ( 13.5665002, 144.925160 ) Here

So now we need to move onto more unexplained land and builds around the earh as well.

Is this Human?

Here is a couple random Islands with homes in the ocean but when we zoom out there isn't much information about them they have no country it seems like and are very spread out within the islands they live on.

1. Pinkish Island House - Here Coordinates: 9.7150432, 114.286812

2. Square on Island for water - Here Coordinates: 11.42902500, 114.331537
3. Square Shape #2 - Here Coordinates: 9.8845416, 114.3299377

4. Square Shape #3 - Here Coordinates: 16.9791985, 112.26977415

5. Square Shape #4 - Here Coordinates: 9.550847406, 112.89095013

6. Square Shaped #5 - Here Coordinates: 8.866935, 112.255675666

7. Similar Build Here Coordinates: 10.207031867, 114.22346834

8. Something Floating?- Here Coordinates: 9.7739330, 114.2555700295

If we go east of these locations, we can find roughly 10 Wildlife refuges in the middle of the ocean all located around X, and -169 to -179.99 (Or 169.00) coordinates.

How about some unknown locations that are guarded.

9. Amazon Rain forest - Here Coordinates: -1.40821044393, -69.416899314 (Go into the little town in Vila Bittencourt that is guarded on both sides)

I found this location by accident when I tried to copy the coordinates of a different location it directed me to here, I don't remember where the actual first coordinates were, but I know it was somewhere around Nazca, Peru. The lines will also be part of distances if done correctly between Point A and Point B.

As we only have access to limited locations for energy currency from Pyramids, I'm going to go in detail about this with S. America as well, their are boundries that we can and can't cross for signals, why? I have no idea at this time, but if we don't work together as one we can never unlock those answers even if we wanted to so let's not get ahead of ourselves.

9. Nazca Guarded #1- Here Coordinates:

10. Space Ship Traveling - Here Coordinates:-18.056408103, 178.68543923

I've realized that Fiji is a very important part and if you zoom out you can see it looks like 2 arms one goes towards New Zealand the other arm goes to Papua New Guinea again also very important, I will discuss that with the Pyramids though.

12. Worlds largest Tarapaca - Here Coordinates: -19.94898628336604, -69.633435882186 (when you zoom out you see a Whale it's located in Chile near the Nazca Lines.

This is extremely facinating because I've realized that Google maps has actually been manipulated to help us solve this question we currently are faced with as some of these details are changed and photoshopped(?) to create a more detailed stitch than NASA could actually provide. I don't even understand how a group of "Hackers" could of placed this and stitched it so perfectly, because from my own stitching of images I've realized it's not that easy and it would take 10's of years to edit just certain sections. if I tried to do everything that has been edited.

I also believe those boundries like "Bolivia" "Chile" change and create a picture it just all has to be mapped and the data has to be analyzed after, I noticed this with the Anarchy Sign location I'm going to be posting next.

How do we proceed?

I personally don't believe they are a threat to humanity i'd argue that we are a threat to their living standards and they can easily kill us if they wished to do so but they are giving us a chance to conciously decide for ourselves and they forced this huge divide between humanity that we see now to see if conciousness can be created or maybe it's to understand it, I don't know yet but I believe it has something to do with our brains.

We need to solve this puzzle, it's all over the world and the information is all there and they want us to solve it. They aren't trying to hide it for us but with the amount of information that is given in Google Maps alone and Antipodes maps (Opposite side of the earth locations) and the uncensored locations they live in, they don't see us as a threat they just want us to be aware that they are here as well.

We need to solve this puzzle I'm positive it has way more meaning and I've only scratched the surface with the research I've done in the last 1 year I've looked at this every single day. It's all based on patterns and to me it just looks like a big puzzle right now and information scatered all over the map and we need to put it together.

This is a very slippery slope however because this is how Qanon got so many of it's loyal supporters by creating "Q-Drops" and allowing their members we find the solution themselves and thats how the believed it.

If we take the path of working together we need to do it from an unbiased perspective to the extent that this whole theory I currently have can be debunked with evidence and we shouldn't force things to work, we need to get all of the similarities together first which we currently don't even have) and see how it fits in the way science has taught us they are all theories and can always be disproved, we can't get to tied up in our belief when we start to believe everything is related especially if something can be disproved with valid reasoning.

For Example
When we realize that Oliv Hi is the same as OliveHill (The E and L are silent in the English langauge, this can be found when we zoom in on the Bolivia and Chile boarder) we realize it takes us to a small district in Olive Hill, Tennessee, and the interesting part of it is that is that it leads you to "Category:Unincorporated communities in Hardin County, Tennessee" Links HERE and I currently think this is a section that has to be researched more but it does not mean any information is actually located there to help us, my theory of "OliveHill" may just be completely wrong.

We find these boarders that create images or give secret meanings in different languages in many different locations around the earth when we zoom in.

I've looked into what an Unincorporated community is and the definition seems to be " They lack political existence, is a region not governmed by a local municipal corportations, a settlement not governmed by its own local municipal corportation"

I could be very wrong here, but I think considering the names of the locations should be be looked into deeper to see if their is more coincidences, or if it's just a random event.

I've seen this so many times, when you zoom in the letters start to change and it only sounds like a word and it may have a different meaning, this is ALL over the world.

"Baozi You Ergun" is one of the ones I have by me that I had noted.

1. Anarchy Sign Here Coordinates: 52.48147143, 62.185385

This picture also has secret messages, if you go to an Antipode map and plug in the coordinates you end up HERE

Coordinates: -52.481471, -117.814615

You end up on one side of the triangle in the ocean, and if you plug in the coordinates on the top and right side of the triangle

you get these coordinates of the triangle.

1. -49.3889336457765, -116.62724516760638
2. -50.479227666553605, -109.35439643807395

And the opposite side of the world you get this if you use anti:
1. 49.388934, 63.372755 - HERE

2. 50.479228, 70.645604 - HERE

Here is the picture you start to see when you start to go and create lines around all of the boundies that change names.
I've only done Africa with the desert aspect of it, but it starts to look like Sudia Arablia is the Ass that is taking a Shit onto the African countries, and the enterence into this is via the anarchy sign which is located at the head.

There is a little hidden Island in Greenland HERE (I Lost it, i have an image but not the coordinates, I'm going to find it again, it's a very small isolated island in Greenland with trees around that you can not see into)

And and China coordinates to the lake thing? I don't understand what there things are? I always assumed it was just yellow lakes? But on closer views it doesn't look like a lake, can anyone explain them to me)
Coordinates: 38.9266742, 79.8456027


We need to follow the evidence, when things look like they change and seem to have meaning, we need to note them, I also believe Fibbinoci is used consistently through the images that have been edited, from the Human Evolution locations in Nazca to underwater images to Islands like North Sentinal Island.

The information also seems to point they are using the Golden Ratio (Fibbinoci 1.618) where it can be seen in paintings like the Mona Lisa.

Some of the places I'd recommend we spend time on that I just haven't been able to go to yet, I want to finish the Pyramids and upload how the wireless energy transmissions would work so hopefully others can spend time looking at other coincidences.

1. Krygystan - This whole thing revolves around the sign located at: 52.4814714 62.18538 - We have triangles from one location to the next which can be found with Aptuoides and it's basically an Anarchy sign, this and Stonehedge create an imge when the lines get put together from Point A to B.

2. China - Go look in the Xinjiang Lake? The yellow thing, its almost the same color as the Amazon Lines, I've seen this sort of lake more than once, it's in Nazca as well, Krygstan and mostly in other nations.

3. Greenland - From Hidden landing strips, to Ice sheets to us not being allowed to visit, Greenland seems like the solution for power which we don't currently have access to, but we answer the other questions and work together we can access it. Currently we can't access Antartica, Greenland, Bermuda, Yogaguni and that seems like it's done for a reason a image of a Diamond of where we have Energy can't drawn and it covers Africa and Europe up to Stonehedge.

4. Nazca Lines - If we solve this, we have the answer I think, there is soooo much here as well, I don't even know how to organize the data because there is so many things that stick out from the hills.

The most important parts seem to be the peaks of mountains located around here on the mountain peak: -12.906399764077396, -72.95426877086237

The yellow lines seem to be their boundries of where we shouldn't enter without permission as well like seen at the bottom of the hill.

5. Australia - I haven't explored it much yet but similar lines in Marree Man, Nazca Money, Krygstan, Area 51 and prob even more locations.

6. Amazon River - Just follow the river, I'm sure their is much more to be found there.

6. Area 51 - I know where the enterence is I think, but a lot of the lines around it are similar to other nations.

Enter HERE
Coordinates: 36.64473011273218, -116.39575696841447
It's this pink Store, also AxJ's Creation's seems like a shell company as well.

7. Stonehedge - I think I've solved this, it's a giant Diamond with stonehedge in the middle, when I can post images and not get busted for it, I'll post that as well.

Long Man of Wilmington, 72M Tall ( 1 Degree of earths rotation every 72 years)

Carne Abbas Giant, (55 Meters tall) (180 feet) - 55km to Westbury Horse and 61.00KM to Stonehedge

Westbury White Horse (55 Meters tall) (180 feet)

Uffington White Horse ( 110 Meters Long) (360 Feet Long) (360 Degrees?)

Lost in the Ocean?

Giza is the center piece I'm sure of that right now

Why is this underwater Yonaguni roughly the same distance away from the Pyramid of Giza as Bermuda is, Hint There are other options I think.

Giza to Bermuda = 8,787.91 KM
Giza to Yonaguni = 8,858.84 KM

We also have another location located around here "-30.319031896808827, 89.2462079344667" that I've been calling "Underwater" which is 8,983.33KM I found it based on coordinates)

Bermuda: 32.285203, -64.87238939

Yonaguni Monument: 24.43539954, 123.01121262

Underwater?: -30.319031896808827, 89.2462079344667

I'd like to make more sections "Divide we Stand" and "United we stand"I also have a very good understanding of the Pyramids and how electricity would flow at this point but that is the easy part.

We need to remember, it seems that most things in the Ocean is there for a reason, like the radio antenta showing they are listening located Here (-48.54645535452193, 127.25015506153709)

How can I help?

1) Just be good to everyone, treat everyone equality, start to think for yourself and you are already doing more than 99% of the population, if you already do that just continue it please.

2) I need help before this goes on the internet (Non Tor) to keep my identity hidden, If someone can help with that it would relieve some of the stress that I hold currently knowing I might get silenced. We need to release this information to the public I believe and have people dicide how they want to proceed, I expect 90% of people to ignore it, but just getting the 10% of people will be a huge help.

3) Just be good to everyone, treat everyone equality, start to think for yourself and you are already doing more than 99% of the population, if you already do that just continue it please.

4) We need someone to organize the data, I expect this to blow up and I won't be able to just organize it, I already have enough troubles with my own Data I've found.

5) If someone is a web developer and can do it without being caught please offer to help, Web Developing is not my strong point.

6) We need to compare and find similarties between locations, for example Nazca Monkey and Marree Man used the same lines, I've seen it in Krgystan and Nazca lines as well. They will tell a story

7) We need to start looking at Google Maps very closely, especially those locations that have been edited for much more detail and noting it if we find something interesting with coordinates and a description they will usually be coorolated with the way frequencies would travel around the Earth. I'm I want to spend more time on finding the exact Locations of more Pyramids as I believe the coordinates will also tell us a story, for example all of the wirelife refuges seem to be at X 160 to -160 this seems to be the last place that would get flooded, but that is just a guess currently.

8) We need mathmaticians and people who can solve patterns with numbers, A lot seems to be coorolated.

9) When the decentralization of this information is confirmed that it can't be traced back to me we need to link it to websites like Reddit and give them a warning that if it get's removed a lot of people will be upset with them from trying to silence the information, I truly believe they want us to find and solve this.

If you have any other ideas how to help feel free most importantly remember we are all basically identical, we need to start to work together and not divide ourselves, we have the power at our fingertips and we can control the narrative of what bullshit lies get told to us by disclosing the truth.

When I figure out how to add more I'm going to add the following which is currently saved on a couple USB Drivers in case someone else has to take over in the future.
1) How we are manipulated.
2) Importance of Pyramids. (Distances apart, Coordinates, Locations) and why they are located where they are located.

3) Importance of Stonehedge, I have images explaining it that I've figured out I'd like to upload.

4) All Locations I believe the "others" live at.

Hopefully a group like Anonymous that wants to do good for humanity can help spread the information they seem to have a very large following, if they believe it after doing their own research from the paths we give them.


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