PIP-11: v0.5 Front-End code updates and upgrades ================================================ This proposal introduces updates and upgrades to the front-end ("UI") of the Panther Protocol version 0.5, [known as ''Advanced Staking''](https://docs.pantherprotocol.io/dao/token/staking/phase-2-advanced-staking). A comprehensive list of the introduced changes can be found below in the Annex. Background ---------- Through [PIP-9](https://docs.pantherprotocol.io/dao/governance/proposal-9-launch-advanced-staking-part1) and [PIP-10](https://docs.pantherprotocol.io/dao/governance/proposal-10-launch-advanced-staking-part2), the Panther Protocol version 0.5 was deployed and activated. After the launch of version 0.5, users witnessed minor front-end (UI) related issues. After the launch, contributors to the protocol prepared, tested and published source code of the [new front-end version](https://github.com/pantherprotocol/panther-core/tree/72d15b2ad4bb22ec8a3d0450d41ff3796f68ebc5) that resolves found issues and optimizes performance. As discussed by the community on the [Panther's Discourse forum](https://forum.pantherprotocol.io/t/advanced-staking-bug-fixes-pip-11/217/11), the community recommends using the v0.5 upgraded front-end instead of the previous one. In order to have a user-friendly URL pointing to the v0.5 upgraded front-end, and also to safeguard access to the correct link/app, the community requests and makes a recommendation to configure the [pantherprotocol.eth](https://app.ens.domains/name/pantherprotocol.eth) ENS domain namespace in such a way that the user-friendly link will point to the v0.5 upgraded front-end (DApp) deployed front-end. Proposed actions ---------------- The following action(s) are proposed: 1. Allocate the unused 2,000 $ZKP out of 4,000 $ZKP previously allocated in accordance with the [PIP-9](https://docs.pantherprotocol.io/dao/governance/proposal-9-launch-advanced-staking-part1) for front-end deployments, to be used for rewards to a community member who will have build and deploy the [v0.5 upgraded front-end](https://github.com/pantherprotocol/panther-core/tree/72d15b2ad4bb22ec8a3d0450d41ff3796f68ebc5) on IPFS. 1. Configure the [pantherprotocol.eth](https://app.ens.domains/name/pantherprotocol.eth) ENS domain namespace so that the URL will point to the v0.5 upgraded front-end (UI) deployed on IPFS. Participation ------------- Please vote to accept or reject the proposed actions detailed above. Voting power is calculated by Snapshot.org taking a snapshot of the number of $ZKP tokens staked per holder [at the block within which the proposal was created.](https://docs.snapshot.org/proposals/vote) Annex: Front-end updates ------------------------ Following changes are introduced by the [new front-end (DApp) version](https://github.com/pantherprotocol/panther-core/tree/72d15b2ad4bb22ec8a3d0450d41ff3796f68ebc5): - Optimize UI performance if multiple stakes (40+) are created by a user. - Correct the broken layout for the AssetsCardRow on mobile. - Show an error notification card when there is an error refreshing the balance. - Show APR when the user is disconnected. - Correct Balance card layout, when the user is disconnected. - Correct the link on the Staking page/ Staking tab/Privacy Reward Points field tooltip and introduce other text fixes for clarity. - Update the MATIC balance upon the refresh button push. The source code is available at . ### Full proposal details --------------------- The full details of this proposal are visible in a more human-readable form at: https://docs.pantherprotocol.io/dao/governance/proposal-11-v0.5-front-end-code-updates-and-upgrades