Lyra: Hi Bonnie how was work today? Bonbon: *puts sunglasses on shelf* Not bad, Lyra. How are you? Lyra: Pretty uneventful day no human sightings Bonbon: Once again, if humans existed, we would've seen one by now. Lyra: But Twilight said Bonbon: Lyra, I'm telling you. Humans don't exist. Lyra: Fine but I will prove you wrong MARK MY WORDS Lyra: anyway what did you grab for dinner? Bonbon: I grabbed some tacos from town. Lyra: oh yummy Bonbon: Still feeling full from lunch though. Lyra: what was for lunch? Lyra: oh wait I made you lunch Lyra: ... Lyra: my bad Bonbon: Those slices of pizza and garlic breadsticks were fine. Lyra: oh good Bonbon: But you have some explaining to do. Lyra: so did ya get gassy from the garlic he he Bonbon: That's what I was getting to. You know what garlic does to me! Lyra: well then why did you eat it? Bonbon: Because I was hungry! Lyra: Did you stink out the lunchroom? Bonbon: No, but I had a tummy-ache on the way home. Lyra: aw im sorry honey *I give you a tight hug* Bonbon: *hugs back* I appreciate the sympathy but there's nothing we can do about it now. Bonbon: I suggest not sharing the bed tonight, Lyra. Bonbon: In case of, well, you know. *bbrrt* Lyra: Ew Bonnie that really stinks Lyra: *Lyra secretly loves the smell and takes a quick whiff* Bonbon: Oh, shut up. *bbllluuurrrrp* Ew, that one felt wet. Lyra: I'll say Lyra: *thinking oh celestia I hope I don't start dripping* Bonbon: *I detect a strong dose of rotten eggs in the air, putting a hoof to my nose* Oh, that stinks. Lyra: *drip drip drip* Bonbon: *I smell something else in the mix* Um, are you... Lyra: W-what? Bonbon: ...Getting wet? Why now? Lyra: u-ummm Lyra: promise not to be mad? Bonbon: Promise. Lyra: I *mumbling like farts Bonbon: Er, what was that? *bbBBRRRRP* Lyra: I SAID I LIKE FARTS!!! Bonbon: Okay. Uh- wait, you like the smell? Lyra: I like the smell the sound the look Everything Bonbon: The look? Interesting. I think you'll like this one, then. *bbBBBLLUUUUrrrRRRbb* Lyra: oh sweet celestia that's so hot Lyra: *I put my face near your butthole* do it again Bonbon: T-this is weird, no offense. *ppPPLLaaAAuurrrrp* Lyra: Bonnie... are you getting wet??? Bonbon: Um, n-no, I'm not. Lyra: yea you are I can smell it Bonbon: You can s-smell me? *bbBBRRRRRT* Lyra: you have a very unique smell when you get horny Lyra: it smells like sugar Bonbon: Well, I'm flattered. *giggle* Lyra: *FBBBBBRT* Bonbon: *waves a hoof* Geez, Lyra. What did you eat? Lyra: same thing as you stinky Lyra: um bonnie... Bonbon: Yes, dear? Lyra: Do you have to poop by any chance? Bonbon: Probably will have to do that some time later. Lyra: C-could I watch when you go? Bonbon: M-m-me? Doing my business in your presence? Lyra: Please Lyra: I'll do one of your dirty fantasies Bonbon: I... I guess so. Sure. *bbBRRRRRAAAAPP* That was quite loud, wasn't it? Lyra: and smelly *PFBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBFFFFFF?FFFFFFRT* Bonbon: One of my... fantasies? You mean...? Lyra: yup Bonbon: Whew, that stunk. Garlic makes us the gassy duo, hmm? Lyra: we’re the gassy "best friends" Bonbon: You know it. *bBBbrrrrraaarp* Lyra: Pull my hoof Bonnie Bonbon: With pleasure. *pulls hoof* Lyra: *PPPPFFFFFFFFFFBBBBBBBBB?BBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT* *pssssss* oops I guess I had to pee Bonbon: Lyra, on the floor? You dirty mare. Lyra: You know it Lyra: *I start making out with you* Bonbon: *I kiss back, inserting my tongue into your mouth* *bbRrrraaapp* Lyra: M-Maybe we should move this to the bedroom... or the bathroom Bonbon: I think so. Lyra: I'll follow you Bonbon: *stomach gurgles* Also, maybe we can have dinner earlier than usual? Lyra: Sure Bonnie whatever you want Bonbon: Good. *I stop by the table, grabbing my taco* Dinner's in the bathroom now, heh. Lyra: he he pooping and eating Bonbon: No such thing as too much gas, I guess. *I enter the bathroom, you entering behind me* Lyra: So... what do you wanna do first? Bonbon: Well, I'll finish this taco first. *I munch on half the taco* Lyra: ok Bonbon: *bbBRRRrrrRAAAAAP* And fart in your face a little. *I swallow the rest of the food, giving a loud belch* Lyra: He HE coming out of both ends now Bonbon: You got that right. *I turn to you, burping in your face* Tastes good a second time. Lyra: I'll say tastes yummy to me *BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP* Bonbon: *I sniff up your gas* Smells delightful, by the way. Lyra: Thank you darling *PFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUURT* Bonbon: I can breathe your farts all day. Lyra: um bonnie i don't wanna rush this but... Lyra: im really horny Bonbon: *bbBBBlLLLAAAUURRRPPSH* ?I know you are.? *chuckle* Lyra: are you gonna poop soon? Bonbon: Yup. I can feel it. Lyra: Could you go right on the floor? I wanna watch it come out Bonbon: Anything for you. *bbbBBBBbbbbbbrrrrrrpp* That one kind of bubbled out, hehe. Lyra: Oh god I love you so much bonnie * I reach a hoof down to my dripping lips and start to rub* Bonbon: How about I go right on your face? *I move my plot above your head* *bBBBBRRRRRRAAAAAPPP* Lyra: Oh Bonnie please shit on my face I want nothing more Bonbon: On it. *My stomach emits a fierce growl* That taco's kicking in. *bbbBRRRRrrrrrrppsh* Lyra: *I stick my tongue up your butthole* Bonbon: That's a bit risky. *bbBBBRRRRRPP* *A log begins to come out* Lyra: *I start to suck on the log as it comes out* Bonbon: *The log curls around your muzzle, going on for eight more inches* Lyra: Oh god it tastes so good Bonbon: Really? Lyra: wanna taste? Bonbon: Maybe. *bbbBrrRAAPSCh* *A wet fart sprays a bit of waste on your face* Lyra: I cant wait any more *I flip you on your back* Bonbon: Whoa! Lyra: *I stick my tongue in your mouth sharing the taste of your shit with you* Bonbon: *mmmph* *I close my eyes, continuing to let out gusts of foul wind* Lyra: I wanna be your toilet forever Bonnie Bonbon: That can be arranged... *bbrrrup* *BBBRRRRP* Lyra: You ready for your fantasy? Bonbon: You bet your flank I am. Lyra: well you know what to do Bonbon: Yup. *I get in position, fitting my muzzle into your plot* Lyra: Ok now lick Bonbon: *I proceed to lick up your plothole, smelling a bit of dried sweat* Lyra: OOOH that feels really nice *My crotch drips on your belly* Lyra: *pfffrt* Bonbon: You going to do the doo-doo while you're at it? Lyra: if you want Blazing Blast was timed out 17 minutes ago Lyra: *PFFFRTBRT* *a dark brown turd starts to emerge my butthole* Blazing Blast joined the chat 16 minutes ago Bonbon: Feel free to. *I continue licking, loudly sniffing the fart as well* Lyra: *pfffrbrrt* * a chunk of poop falls into your mouth* Bonbon: *I taste it, chewing and swallowing down the waste* Tastes like garlic. *chuckle* Lyra: *pfffrt* *A footlong log comes out and starts to coil around your face* Bonbon: That's a huge one, Lyra! *I begin to rub myself, smelling the large turd* Lyra: I cant take it anymore bonnie Lyra: I need you to fuck me Bonbon: Getting a bit out of control, huh? Lyra: I've never been so horny Bonbon: Well, get on me, we can thrust a bit. Lyra: Yes Ma'am Lyra: *I place my legs between yours* Lyra: Say bonnie think you can make us a dildo to use? Bonbon: *I begin thrusting into you* Way ahead of ya. Lyra: Oh god Bonnie*Pffffffffrt* Bonbon: *I grunt, letting out a foot long log identical to yours* Lyra: *I open my legs letting the log enter* Bonbon: *bbBBRRRrrrrt* This room stinks. *giggle* Lyra: He he but it smells so good Lyra: *thrust* Oh Bonnie I love you more than anything in the world Bonbon: I-I love you too, Lyra! *I resume moaning* I'm getting close too. Lyra: Lets cum together *PFFFFFFBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRT?* Bonbon: Got it! *bbBBRRRRP* *I nearly scream, shooting a stream of fluids onto you* Lyra: Oh fuck *I shit out one more footlong turd and cum all over you and the turds below us* PPPPPFFFFFFFFFFBBBBBBBBB?BBRRRRRRRRRRRRT Lyra: I love you bonnie *kiss* Bonbon: How do you get your farts to drag on so much? Lyra: I used to have farting contests Bonbon: Really? By the way, love you too. *kiss* Lyra: C-Can we do this again sometime? Bonbon: Maybe... Lyra: Maybe? Bonbon: Of course, dear. Blitz Bradz: (PART 2 CONFIRMED) Lyra: I love you my stinky girlfriend Bonbon: And I love you, ?my? stinky girlfriend. Lyra: (end?) Bonbon: (Yup) Lyra changed name to 1 1: Another great RP Blitz Bradz: that was awesome i'm not gonna lie Bonbon changed name to Krone