{ "name": "Koti Golden Pass", "description": "As we are nearing to Mint our Kotilingam NFT. There is a huge list of Whitelist candidates which exceeds our Mint quantity. To be fair to the community and to control competition, we are launching our FREE GOLDEN TICKET minting. YES!!! IT IS A GOLDEN TICKET!!! And it comes with its own benefits...An Exclusive ticket to get you priority access to all Future Mintings at Exclusive Prices (50% OFF or sometimes FREE Minting). Priority access to Metaverse Events and Gatherings. 4X points to all our contests and giveaways.Special drop of Secret gifts to your Wallet.Priority access to all Collab events.Free Merchandises and Gifts.Special Chair in the Council.", "image": "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmcUi9C9qmbBMrJQpJd5DxaGQa4H18EEdik2YEDHAcWzhM" }