>Day You Reap What You Sow in Equestria. >Eyeing the Squirrel from your spot, you take a deep breath, bringing the bow string back. >”Anon...” >Get the aim nice and right, nice aaaand tight... >”Psst, Anon, hey buddy...” >Ignore the open mouthed breathing from the turnip farmer right next to your face. >”Anon, c'mon, I gotta whiz.” “Then go...” >Fucking Hayseed is messing you up. >The bucktoothed stallion brushes his shirt. >”All right.” >He stands, causing some light crunching from the leaves. >The Squirrel moved a bit, now you need to adjust. >God dammit. >You ease up, relaxing. >After a moment, you start back up again. >Bow string back. >Nice and right, nice and tight. “That's right, stay there little friend...” >You give a small, silent thanks to the Squirrel. >One... >Two... >”HOLY SHIT!” >You release, arrow flying WAY under the branch. >The fucking Squirrel just ran away! >”Anon! Get over here!” “Oh my fucking- WHAT?!” >You force your foot down before standing up and making your way to Hayseed. >Each step you take towards Hayseed is FILLED with rage. >Rage filled stomps. >Rage stomps. >As you approach, you hear him chortling like a 'tard, his cap bouncing with. >Moving past some bush, you see him smiling. “What?!” >He looks to you, then back to where he was staring. >”Oh ho, Anon! Look at that turd!” >You face palm. >”I'm serious! It looks like one of those joke store ones, but HUGE!” >Turning around, you start to make your way back to the forest. >Hayseed quickly gallops next to you. >”You think there's a big foot or something out here?” >Rolling your eyes, you slow down, kneeling a bit. “Probably a bear.” >He snorts. >”Like the one Fluttershy has?” >You breath out, speaking softer. “No, an actual bear. A 'maul you to death' kinda bear.” >The stallion gulps, his buck teeth pressing against his lip. >Pansy. >If you're lucky, it is a bear. >The last time you got one of them, you were eating bear jerky for a few weeks. >”Damn... You think if we got mauled, Fluttershy would take care of us?” >You internally groan. >Now he's started. >”Maybe Applejack would make us a nice pie? She makes the best damn pies around... has the best damn thighs too.” >The only reason this fucker bothers you. >”Man, Anon, you know, you're lucky. Getting to work with her all the time. Must be a nice view, huh?” >You groan, ignoring him. >”Anon?” >The self proclaimed best friend, only interested in you to get to them. >”C'mon, Anon, don't leave me hanging.” >You stop, hearing some rustling. >Looking up, you see a fat pheasant. >It's walking back and forth. >Jesus Christ, you can already taste the breasts on it. >Pulling out an arrow, you take aim. >”Sheeoot. Fine, maybe your prefer the flanks to the thighs. Fluttershy's nice and big. Even Twilight's getting one.” >This fucking guy just needs to shut up for one second. >Focus. >Fooocuuuus... >Pulling the string back, you feel a rough push, making you fire early. >This arrow lands right in the branch. >The pheasant flies off. >”Anon!” >You are going to strangle this piece of shit! “WHAT?!” >He looks up to you. >”So, flank or thighs?” >You just stare at him, the sounds of the forest the loudest they've been all day. “I.” >Stepping away, he follows. “Don't.” >You pull out your hatchet, getting a good grip on it. “Like.” >Making sure he is watching, you SLAM it into the tree. “PONIES!” >You bash the tree repeatedly, cutting the bark, chips flying off. “I don't fucking like mares! Or stallions! I am not interested in fucking pony ass or legs or tits or anything! For fucks sake will you just let-” >Pulling the hatchet back, you slice across the tree. “-me-” >Then again. “HUNT!” >You dig it into the tree. >Panting, face flushed red, you feel the heat from your rage. >”... Well, shit, fine. All ya had to do was ask.” >Feeling a small shiver of uncontrolled anger run up your spine, you lean against the tree. >Sap stains your shirt. >”Tsk, now look. That nice shirt Rarity made you's all covered in dirt.” >You rest your head against the tree. “I just want to get my fucking meat. I don't to discuss your fucking crushes.” >The stallions lets off a scoff, taking offense to that. >HE is taking offense. >To that. >”What the-what?! Anon, c'mon! Shoot, don't go projecting your feelings on to me!” >You could kill him. >It'd be easy. >No one would hear him scream. >”If anything, you're the one who likes them.” >So easy. >Wouldn't even need to bury the body, just find the bear and toss the corpse. >Sighing, you've calmed down enough. >You take your hatchet and move deeper, Fuck-Face McBitchface the ass face following you. >”Always spending time with them and letting them flirt with you, eating their food. Tsk, it's a crying shame, all that affection wasted on a guy whose, leading them on.” >The only reason you let him live is because you aren't that cynical. >As you walk, FFMcBFtAF continuing to mouth off, you hear a roar. “The bear...” >You listen carefully. >Hayseed has yet to shut up. >Turning back to him, you bring your finger to your lips, angrily spitting as you blow. “SHHH!” >He stops, face covered in spit. >As he wipes it off, you listen. >The bear is... >Being attacked by something. >There is a constant noise. >Noises, many of them. >All coming from where the bear is. >It's roaring, but it's getting softer. >Eventually it goes silent, but the noises continue. >Almost like a giggling chant. >They suddenly go silent. >Standing silent, you turn back. “It's time for us to go.” >Walking, Hayseed follows. >”You aren't even gonna apologize? That was right one my face.” >Now to play the ignoring game while you get the fuck out of the forest. >Hearing a snap, you stop. >Turning back, you see nothing. “Ooooh, no.” >You walk faster, Hayseed galloping to catch up. >”Uh, Anon, that was a lil bunny or something, right?” >Focusing on where you are going, you don't answer. >”You can handle it, right?!” >As you walk, the giggling chanting comes back. >Fuck this, you're running. >Before you can start, you see Pinkie Pie in the distance, covered in shadow. >Confused, you notice the chanting has stopped again. >Sighing, you look around. >Nothing, just forest, Hayseed, and Pinkie. >Looking to the mare, you furrow your brow. “Was that you making that noise?” >She just quirks her head. “Pinkie, was that you?” >She giggles, like one of those chanting voices. >You let off a groan, starting to walk towards her. “God dammit. Why are you even-” >Pausing, you see Fluttershy and Twilight. “Oh, great. Was this some sort of prank? Who else is involved?” >From the trees next to the mares comes Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash... >Another Applejack. >Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Twilight... >Stepping back once, you hear them all giggle. >”Anon...” >Oh, that's not good for you. “What in the-” >One of the Fluttershys comes running for you. >Her eyes are glowing pink and her body is covered in a purpley mist! >The mare is smiling wide, giggling like an excited little girl >”Anon! Anon!” >Reaching for your hatchet, she pounces you. >It goes flying, the mare on top of you. “What the hell are you-” >You are silenced by the purpley Fluttershy's lips locking with yours, soon followed by her tongue in your mouth. “MRRRH?!” >Her tongue spastically explores your mouth. >Pushing her off, you see Hayseed smiling, walking to the large group ahead of him. >”Whoa, I think these are some sort of pleasure clones. Maybe I'll just-” >They hiss, eyes turning to him. >Hayseed stops, stepping back. >”Oookay, they don't like me.” >After a few moments of silence, the Fluttershy you pushed off runs back to you. >”ANON!” >She clings to you, kissing up your neck. >You try pushing her off. “Gah!” >The other mares giggle, speaking in near unison. >”Anon!” >They comes charging at you, shaking the forest's floor. >Before you know it, more of them are leaping at you, clinging to your various limbs. >Your head is forced down, looking to Hayseed. “AH! Hayseed! Help me!” >He is hesitant, leaning a hoof towards you. >All of the mares hiss, looking at him. >”... Uh, I don't think that's a good idea.” >Pulling his hoof back, the mares start working you over again. >One of them is pulling at your belt. “Whoa- hey!” >You push at it with your hand, barely even moving whoever it is. “God dammit! Stop being a pussy and help me!” >He lets off an elongated *uuuh* before stepping back. >”Sorry Anon, no can do.” “Oh, no you fucking don't!” >He takes a bow. >”I'll always remember you.” “Remember me now, you asshole!” >He turns away to run, the mares getting more antsy. >You now have to struggle just to move, to keep them from stripping you. >”I'll make sure to name one of me and Rainbow Dash's kids after you!” “You and-WHAT?!” >He keeps running, voice getting quiet. >”You're right, probably me and Applejaaaaaacks...” >And he's gone, as are your pants. >The mares all squeal, liquid splashing around. >Spitting it out, you REALLY hope this isn't what you think it is. >As you continue to spit, you see a Zecora clone. >Great! >Now you can have Jungle Pony Fever! >Knocking on Twilight Sparkle's door, you hope you have your story straight. >Straight enough to believe, at least. >The pretty purple mare opens the door. >”Hayseed?” >You nod, lowering your cap. “Twilight, if I can come in, I have some bad news.” >She gives you a confused look. >”Uh, kinda have company.” >Looking inside, you see all six mares are together. “Oh good, you'll all wanna hear this.” >Her confused look turns to one of concern. >Stepping in, you clear your throat, all six beautiful mares' eyes on you. “Ahem. I have some terrible news...” >You give a dramatic pause. >Pausing... >Pausing... >Paaaausiii- >Rainbow Dash coughs. >”Which iiiis?” “Oh, Anon, he, uh, he checked out.” >The pretty farm filly raises an eyebrow. >”Checked outta where?” >Your raise a hoof. “Checked out of life.” >The room is filled with gasps and exclamations from the poor mares. >Rarity steps forward. >”Wha-What do you mean?” >You place your cap back on. “He is no more.” >She shakes her head. >”What do you mean?!” >You look her dead in the eyes. “Some things happened, now he is no more.” >Fluttershy grabs you by the collar of your shirt, staring directly at you. >”What. Happened?” >Fear fills you, eyes wide as you speak. “Anon and I were in the forest hunting when we got jumped by some strange clone mares that are now more than likely raping him to death.” >What the hell was that?! >She lets go of you, grabbing her mouth with her hooves. >Catching yourself, you see Twilight comforting Fluttershy. >You are grabbed again, this time by Applejack. >”What didja say?!” >You break free of her hold, looking at her. “Just that. A bunch of yous just suddenly came out of the woodworks and grabbed Anon.” >The farm filly's expression turns to sorrow. >”Ya... Saw 'im get finished?” >You click your tongue. “Weeell, not technically. See, he told me to run for it after they took him down.” >Pinkie Pie jumps in front of you. >”So Nonny could still be alive?!” >You shake your head. “Nah, he's dead. Gotta be. I say we take a moment of silence to remember him fondly.” >Taking your cap off once more, you bring it to your chest. >Rainbow Dash smacks your hat away. “He-Hey! Why'd you go and do that?!” >She grabs the sides of your head, lifting you in the air. >”Where did you ditch him?!” “Now, he told me to-” >”WHERE?!” >Yelping, you pull your body close. “Outside the Everfree Forest!” >She lets go, dropping you. >The mare flies to the door, her friends following. “I'm telling you, Anon is-” >The door flings open. “-alive?!” >Anon is standing there, hatchet in hand. >He is pants-less, covered in a weird purpley goo that looks covered in sparkles. >Looking at his face, he is maaad. “Anon! Buddy!” >He walks up to you, dropping his hatchet. “We were just-” >His fist meets your face. >Then again. >And again... >And- >-Again. >One more time for good measure. >Good, he's blacked out. >You spit on his face, then stomp him in the balls. “Remember me now?! Piece of shit!” >You then kick him in the sides, Zecora walking in. >”I understand that you are very mad, but your revenge should not be had.” >Sighing, you nod... >Then you kick him again. “Just needed to get that out of my system.” >Clapping your hands, you turn to the mares, who will probably take your place kicking this pile of pony garbage's ass in a second. “So! Who likes being illegally cloned for some guy's sexual fantasy?” >All six victims look to you as if you are crazy. “No one? Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...” >You step to the side. “THIS PIECE OF SHIT DID IT TO YOU ALL!” >Twilight seems to be the only one who believes and/or understands you. >”What? How?!” >Oh goody, she's as mad as you. >You present Zecora than give her some jazz hands. “Turns out he told our friend here that he was growing MAGIC turnips!” >She looks to you, annoyed. >”You may not believe this, but magic turnips are a legitimate vegetable. Though, I admit, my aid in his plans were regrettable.” >The zebra sighs. >”He promised that his intent was pure, but it turned out much more obscure.” >No patience for her rhyming right now. “He took samples of all of your DNA and mixed them with turnips and a potion he got from her.” >Rarity seems to be catching on. >”Exactly how did he acquire these samples?” >You grin, possibly so mad that you've come full circle. “Ha haaaa. You know your garbage cans?” >All six mares' cheeks begin to redden. “You know how you throw away certain papers you use to clean certain wet messes?” >Penny is in the air... >You watch as each of them react in their own way. >And penny hits the floor! >Stepping to the side, it only takes a moment before Rainbow Dash lunges at the bastard, punching the unconscious body. >Soon Applejack, who doesn't look you in the eye, joins in. >Three, four, five, six mares all beating up a dirty sad stallion! >The sight brings a tear to your eye. >Humming, you begin to walk to the police, Zecora following you. >You should be thankful he did this, because now he'll never bother you again. >But in that same sense, it's because of him you came close to... eugh... >Fucking moist turnip clones. >So moist.... >So sticky.