# NFT Terms of Use ``` CATEGORY: Non-Commercial Digital Artwork VERSION: v2023-01-15 AUTHOR: Raymond Cardillo (dba, "Cardillo's Art", "Cardillo's Ink") ```
These terms of use apply to this "NFT" (Non-Fungible Token), which was created by Raymond Cardillo, "The Artist" (dba, "Cardillo's Art" and "Cardillo's Ink"). By purchasing, transferring, or possessing ownership of this NFT all "Owners" (aka "Buyers", "Recipients") agree to these terms. The NFT itself is a digital token that: 1. uniquely represents a specific piece of digital artwork on the blockchain; 2. represents proof of ownership of the NFT itself; 3. provides metadata that can be used to establish authenticity. The current Owner of this NFT is granted limited use of the digital artwork which is rescinded when they loose ownership. The Owner may use and display the digital artwork for non-commercial purposes. Any physical or digital copies or derivations of the artwork and any related unlockable content cannot be sold or transferred and must be destroyed when ownership is transferred. Commercial use is strictly prohibited unless negotiated separately with The Artist. Owners do not have any other rights, express or implied. Copyright of the artwork and other reproduction rights remain with The Artist. The Artist may help the Owner enforce these terms with previous Owners, but makes no warranty to do so.